Gathering for Open Space
Held on the 25 April 2015 members of the community gathered for our Open Space Event. The day was full of lively discussion, raising many important issues.
The groups that came together on the day kept notes of everything that was discussed as well as their agreed action points. Wester Hailes Youth Agency organised an Open Space event for young people after the main event which showed similar levels of enthusiasm and interest from those taking part. A report has now been compiled of all that was recorded at both events and is being passed over to the Wester Hailes Community Council as the representative body for the area. The report forms an important resource of local priorities but it also highlights the interest people had in taking on actions themselves to make a difference in the area and to bring about the future they want to see for Wester Hailes.
One of the main outcomes of the event was the creation of our priorities which are:
Making Wester Hailes safer for the community
Includes raising awareness of hate crime, tackling anti-social behaviourMaking the community better together
Includes improving recycling, better care of green spaceTackling Legal Highs
Includes information for young people and community, identifying shops selling products.Addressing transport issues
Includes more frequent bus routes to schools and hospitals, better rail service.Making better use of IT
Includes free wi-fi, more IT classesImproving community facilities and unused land
Includes spaces for young people, developing the Plaza
All of the information, comments and suggestions from the Open Space Event are now in a report that is being shared across the community. Held on the 25 April, the day was full of lively discussion, raising many important issues. The Digital Sentinel reported on the day’s success and format, and you can read more about the day’s events here.
The groups that came together on the day kept notes of everything that was discussed as well as their agreed action points. Wester Hailes Youth Agency organised an Open Space event for young people after the main event which showed similar levels of enthusiasm and interest from those taking part. A report has now been compiled of all that was recorded at both events and is being passed over to the Wester Hailes Community Council as the representative body for the area. The report forms an important resource of local priorities but it also highlights the interest people had in taking on actions themselves to make a difference in the area and to bring about the future they want to see for Wester Hailes.
Action Topics Included
Community Centre and use of unused land
More bus links and transport issues
Making Wester Hailes safer for community members and helping people to understand what to do when they have experienced crime
Tackling Legal Highs
Making the Community Better
Using IT
There was also a wide range of issues highlighted on the day including vandalism, activities for young people, hate crime, anti-social behaviour, road safety, dumped rubbish….