Small Sparks Grant for Painting Project
The Wester Hailes Community Trust presented the first of their Small Sparks grants to local resident Chuks Ododo in September 2016.
The grant, in the form of a £200 voucher, allowed Chuks to work with volunteers from the Wester Hailes Open Heavens Church to buy materials to help them with their plans to paint nearby railings and beautify the Greenway close to the Church.
Chuks received £200 to buy paint and plants to help with plans to paint nearby railings and beautify the Greenway close to the Open Heavens Church.
Ten members of the Church, including the Pastor and her Husband, volunteered to be part of the next step of the project, using the paint to give the Greenway a bit of a makeover.
It was quite an engaging program that brought the church, individuals and Community together. The passers-by were quite impressed seeing members of the community engaging in activities that will help to improve Wester Hailes for everyone.
The second part of the project will see the group planting flowers in some of the surrounding areas. Unfortunately poor weather prevented Chuks and the team from proceeding last year so they are waiting for advice from Edinburgh Council staff about when best to resume.
The WHCT’s currently open “Small Sparks” fund will provide small grants of up to £250 to local individuals and groups to help make a difference in Wester Hailes.