You’re invited! WHCT 2023 Annual General Meeting November 23rd

You’re invited to the 2023 Wester Hailes Community Trust Annual General Meeting on Thursday, November 23rd, 5.30PM at the Wester Hailes Healthy Living Centre. We will be discussing the Trust's yearly activity, accounts, and state of the board, as well as the progress of the 36 projects proposed by the Wester Hailes Local Place Plan. If you are a trustee, it is protocol that you attend the AGM and, if keen to continue your position on the board, stand to be re-elected.

We're pleased to announce that this year's AGM has been supported by the Scottish Government Democracy Matters Initiative which aims to improve the local democracy of communities across Scotland. The AGM will therefore be paired with a community discussion on local democracy, as well as a free community meal and complimentary childcare. 

If you would like to attend the AGM please either respond to this email or RSVP here.  

Please also extend the invite to anyone that you think would be interested in attending - everyone is welcome! We would love to see you there. 


WHCT 2023 Annual General Meeting


Meeting Porty Community Energy Re. LPP Project 19, Re-Parking & Mobility Hub