Become a Member
The Wester Hailes Community Trust is always looking for new additions to join our dedicated local membership.
Who is the Wester Hailes Community Trust for?
The Wester Hailes Community Trust is led by the community, for the community. It is for people who:
Want to get more involved in the community
Want to have their say on local matters and local development
Want to work with their fellow residents to make Wester Hailes the best it can be
What’s the purpose of becoming a member?
Members of the Trust receive the Trust’s monthly newsletter and the minutes from each board meeting. Members are also invited to attend monthly board meetings, the Trust’s Annual General Meeting, and numerous other community events and initiatives. At these events, and at board meetings, you have the chance to connect with like minded locals and to voice your opinions on local matters. Becoming a member also gives you the opportunity to become a Trustee; one of 13 board members that have the right to vote on Trust matters.
What are the four types of memberships?
There are four types of membership available:
Individual Membership - Individual membership is open to any individual aged over 16 that resides in or adjacent to Wester Hailes and that supports the purposes of the Trust.
Corporate Membership - Corporate membership is open to representatives of any corporate body which is a voluntary, not for profit or charitable organisation operating in Wester Hailes and which the board believes to be an organisation which would support the purposes of the Trust.
Associate Membership - Associate Membership is open to any individual who has been nominated for membership by an unincorporated voluntary organisation which would otherwise qualify for membership if it was incorporated and which would support the purposes of the Trust.
Honorary Membership - Any individual aged over 16, that does not reside in or adjacent to Wester Hailes but supports the Trust’s purposes. Honorary members do not have voting rights.
How can I become a member?
Applying to become a member is easy! Simply click the type of membership that you qualify for below and the link will lead you to a membership form. Once filled out, please email it to Unsure of what membership you qualify for or have further questions before you apply? click the ‘Contact Us’ link at the top of the page, send us an email, and we will get back to you as soon as we can.
Individual Membership
Corporate Membership
Associate Membership
Honorary Membership
New applications for membership are reviewed at each monthly board meeting.